january 15, 2024

Welcome to The Cellulite Site!

This site is dedicated to every woman who struggles with the disconnect between mind and body. Our mission is to bridge the gap between the perceptions of imperfections seen in the mirror and transform those into empowering thoughts of self-love, self-appreciation, and embracing the beautiful body you’ve grown into.

We aim to provide you with the resources and methods to help your self-confidence grow, so you can feel your inner glow and shine from the inside out. Join our supportive community as we embark on this journey together.

Much love,
Bree XoXo

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Hello, my beautiful friend-

Welcome to another empowering article from The Cellulite Site blog, where we will dive into the transformative world of The Cellulite Circuit. Today, we’re introducing the first step of our daily morning ritual – called Rise and Rinse. Think of it as a refreshing and powerful shower for your internal organs.

Welcome to The Cellulite Site blog! Today, we’re exploring the first step of our morning ritual: Rise and Rinse

Imagine starting your day with the invigorating zest of half a lemon, a hint of ginger, possibly some cayenne pepper all blended into warm water. Before you dismiss this as just another health food fad, this blog will reveal the multiple benefits of the powerful fruit – you too, will be on board to incorporate this transformative ritual.

Start your day with warm lemon water and experience its transformative benefits

The ingredients are quite simple!

For a single serving-

  • • 1/2 Fresh or frozen organic lemon
  • • Ginger powder or fresh juice (optional)
  • • 12 ounces of warm (not hot) water
  • • Sprinkle of Cayenne Pepper (optional)

"But what about my morning coffee?” Trust me, I understand the struggle. Let’s explore how Rise and Rinse can transform your mornings

I’ve been exactly where you are now. It took me months to embrace the changes I needed to make, all in pursuit of one goal—reversing the stubborn cellulite that had become an unwelcome companion. As my coach always says, “The better you get at dealing with discomfort, the more dreams you have come true.”

Rise and Rinse isn’t meant to avoid coffee altogether.  We are simply delaying gratification for a little while.  it’s a commitment to your body’s well-being. As you embark on the first 20 minutes of your day with this revitalizing elixir, you’ll likely echo my initial sentiments. “Can I really give up my morning coffee?” For me, the answer is both yes and no. Yes, because you’re about to embark on a journey that empowers you to redefine your personal healthcare. This isn’t about deprivation – but transformation! And no, because we are just saving the coffee experience for a little later – and only you know when that moment is right for you.

The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit.


Rise and Rinse isn’t about giving up coffee entirely. Let’s explore how it complements your morning routine

For me, the process of wrapping my brain around all the changes really took me a few weeks. I love waking up with a double cappuccino, and the idea of parting with my beloved brew was daunting. If you’re nodding along, understanding the struggle, you’re not alone. We are in this together!

Within just 4 days of sipping on this elixir, my belly felt flat and I could definitely feel my jeans were a bit looser!

I was quickly hooked and committed to this new morning ritual! For me, my morning cappuccino transitioned from a morning necessity to a mid-morning reward after conquering The Cellulite Circuit routine. Let’s dive into why the Rise and Rinse ritual is a transformative game-changer.

Experience the benefits of Rise and Rinse firsthand

You may be familiar with the numerous advantages of lemon water, but let’s take a closer look at some key facts that explain why I have incorporated it into The Cellulite Circuit.

1. Detoxification: Studies have shown that warm lemon water can act as a gentle detoxifying agent by supporting liver function and promoting the elimination of waste from the body

2. Aids Digestion: The acidity of lemons can stimulate the production of digestive juices, promoting healthy digestion. Potassium – found in lemons, aids in breaking down and utilizing carbohydrates

3. Appetite Suppressant: Lemon curbs hunger, making it easier to resist those tempting snacks between meals

4. Hydration: Lemon water is a good source of hydration, and starting your day with a glass of warm lemon water can help replenish the fluids lost during the night and kickstart your metabolism

5. Rich in Vitamin C: Lemons are a rich source of vitamin C, which is known for its immune-boosting properties. Consuming warm lemon water in the morning can contribute to your daily vitamin C intake

For an in-depth exploration of the health benefits, I’m going to refer to Dr. Berg’s video where he extensively explores the health advantages of warm lemon water.

The entire video is great, however, for our discussion, we will narrow our focus to its potential impacts on weight loss and anti-aging effects. To delve into these specific aspects pay close attention from 1:28 to 2:57 for key insights.

The crucial element is to use fresh, organic lemons – avoid the pasteurized pre-bottled lemon juice found in supermarkets

Enjoy lemon water in the morning before food for best results.

It’s advisable to engage in this routine as the first thing in the morning, ensuring a minimum of 30 minutes before consuming any food, making it ideal for those practicing fasting. This timing is crucial because, upon ingestion, the ascorbic acid derived from Vitamin C transforms into an alkaline state in the body, effectively inhibiting the digestive process. Dr. Berg delves deeper into this explanation later in the video; you can click the link if you wish to watch the entire episode. 

For a quick overview, essentially, slowing down digestion can have both positive and negative effects, depending on the context. Here are a few reasons why someone might intentionally want to slow down digestion:

1. Blood Sugar Regulation: Slowing down the digestion of carbohydrates can help regulate blood sugar levels. When digestion occurs more slowly, the absorption of sugars is also slower, preventing rapid spikes in blood glucose.

2. Satiety and Weight Management: Slower digestion may contribute to a feeling of fullness and satiety, which can be beneficial for those trying to manage their weight. It may help individuals eat less by promoting a sense of satisfaction.

3. Nutrient Absorption: Some nutrients are better absorbed when digestion is gradual. Slower digestion allows for more efficient absorption of essential nutrients, promoting overall health.

4. Stable Energy Release: Slowing down the digestion of foods can result in a more gradual and sustained release of energy. This can help maintain energy levels over a more extended period, preventing energy crashes.

For a comprehensive explanation, please consult Dr. Berg’s full video.

Now that you’re convinced of the benefits, let’s review how to make it a seamless part of your morning routine.

There are a couple of different methods to make your daily Rise and Rinse!  

You have the option to manually juice the lemon, although this involves using tools and creating it from scratch every morning. Personally, I find this method acceptable, so let’s go over the process. Ensure you have your stainless steel hand-squeeze juicer, an organic lemon, and warm, filtered water. Simply squeeze 1/2 of the lemon into about 12 ounces of water, add 1/4 tsp of ginger powder and/or cayenne pepper according to your preference, and savor the refreshing blend. 

The alternative method is to make it in bulk. 

To streamline my daily routine and enhance efficiency, I prefer preparing in advance on a larger scale. Lemon juice, when properly sealed, can be stored in the freezer for up to three months without affecting its texture or taste.

When making juice in larger quantities, I find it more convenient to utilize my Breville juicing machine.

When opting for larger juice batches, I prefer the convenience of my Breville juicing machine. If you’re considering investing in a juicer, I wholeheartedly endorse this one! While it comes with a slightly higher price tag, its durability has far surpassed other options, providing longevity well beyond juicers with only a year’s lifespan. It’s a wise and enduring investment for your entire Cellulite Circuit journey. I’ll add a link to the juicer to the “Shop This Post” in the description below. 

I extract juice from the entire lemon, including the rind, so I immerse the lemons in baking soda water before juicing, just to make sure that I remove any dirt particles. I love the delightful taste of ginger, and coupled with its numerous health benefits, prompts me to juice a palm-sized piece and juice alongside about 8-10 lemons.

To streamline my daily routine and enhance efficiency, I prefer preparing things in advance on a larger scale. Lemon juice, when properly sealed, can be stored in the freezer for up to three months without affecting its texture or taste.

Once you’re finished juicing, mix the juice and pour into ice cube trays. Once frozen, transfer the cubes into an airtight freezer storage bag or container. Depending on the quantity of lemons you began with, you’re now stocked up for success every morning for a few weeks! I have found a great ice cube tray, with a storage container and scoop all in one. I’ll put a link in the description for you, so order one for yourself! These cubes are small, so you will probably want to use 2 cubes.

An evening routine for a radiant morning

My evening routine includes taking frozen cubes before bedtime, placing them in a mug, and leaving the mug in the refrigerator to thaw overnight. By morning, the lemon juice is completely melted. I then fill the mug with filtered water and warm it in the microwave for only a minute and a half. It’s important to know you’re warming the lemon, not heating it. Heat can degrade certain nutrients, such as vitamin C. The heat may also have a negative effect on the beneficial enzymatic and energetic properties, rendering the juice much less effective. So, use caution when heating. The recommended ratio is approximately 1 tablespoon of lemon and ginger juice to about 12 ounces of water.

Lemon is acidic, and frequent exposure to high acidity levels may contribute to tooth enamel erosion over time. This is why we emphasize the importance of diluting your lemon.

This incredibly comforting yet revitalizing beverage is something I typically enjoy while writing my blog posts, making my bed, or preparing my daily Cellulite Cleanse, which I will cover in episode 4. It remarkably programs my mindset for healthy food choices throughout the day. Within just four days of incorporating it into my daily routine, I noticed a flattening sensation in my stomach, and my jeans felt noticeably looser. The discomfort of bloating vanished, providing me with an exciting jump start on my new wellness program!

Kitchen Tool Talk –

Why you should avoid using aluminum

Consider kitchen tool safety for overall health

While we are focusing on how to improve our overall health, I would be remiss if I didn’t engage in kitchen tool talk. While aluminum is a commonly used material in kitchen tools and cookware, there are concerns about its potential health risks. There are multiple reasons why some people choose to avoid using aluminum tools in the kitchen or allowing food to come into direct contact with aluminum. Here are a couple of highlights that you may want to consider:

1. Aluminum Leaching: One of the main concerns is that aluminum can leach into food, especially when cooking acidic or salty dishes. Acidic foods like tomatoes or citrus fruits can react with aluminum, leading to increased levels of aluminum in the food.

2. Health Concerns: High levels of aluminum intake have been associated with various health issues, including neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s disease. While the link between aluminum exposure and Alzheimer’s is not fully established, some studies suggest a potential correlation. In my opinion, it’s not worth the trade-off.

Cheers to a radiant start with Rise and Rinse!

So beautiful friends, for those interested in experiencing the benefits of Rise and Rinse, I’ve included affiliate links to the ingredients and products discussed in this podcast in the description below. To make it as convenient as possible for you to get started and enjoy these advantages, you’ll find affiliate links in the “Shop This Post” section below for the products that I personally use  on a daily basis and wholeheartedly recommend. Your orders through these links help support the channel, enabling me to consistently deliver valuable content to you every week!

Empower your journey, one day at a time, my beautiful friends!
Much love, Bree XoXo

Shop This Post

After dedicating extensive time to curate top-tier product recommendations, we’ve curated an ideal collection to kickstart your Cellulite Circuit Morning Routine. Explore the suggested items by following the provided affiliate links.

Your acquisition through these links not only enhances your transformation but also supports our channel-your valuable support is sincerely cherished! Begin your transformative journey today and contribute to the growth of our vibrant community!

Fresh Organic Lemons

$22.93 2 lbs

Anthony’s Ginger


Fresh Organic Ginger


Organic Cayenne


Stainless Citrus Juicer


Breville Juicer Machine


Premium Pure Water


Silicone Ice Cube Tray


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